Find the Perfect Investment Strategy for You

Discover why the perfect investment strategy doesn't exist and why that's good news. Learn how to find the best strategy for you, one that you can stick with through thick and thin. Explore proven strategies like the Magic Formula, Dividend Investing, and more to find your perfect fit.

This article is a website version of our weekly FREE Best Ideas Newsletter sent on 28.05.2024. Sign up here to get it in your inbox every Tuesday.

A lot of new subscribers ask: "What is the best investment strategy I can use to get the best long-term returns?"

Perhaps it is something you have also thought about…

The best answer I can give you after more than 37 years of research, reading and experience and making just about every investment mistake you can is: The perfect investment strategy doesn’t exist, and that’s good news.


This is Your Best Investment Strategy

The thing is your best investment strategy for you isn’t the one with the highest return or the lowest risk. It’s the one you can stick with through good times and bad, one that lets you sleep well at night, and one that suits your nature.

If you want to understand why being comfortable with your strategy is crucial and how to choose the right one for you, this article will really help you.

It covers various proven strategies like the Magic Formula, Dividend Investing, Value Investing, and more, to help you find the one that fits you best.


Ready To Find Your Best Investment Strategy?

Start your journey to better investing by reading the full article here: How to find your best investment strategy – It is NOT the one you expect



Quant Value newsletter update

As you can imagine performance last week was positive, with the following large movements:

  • Maezawa Industries +8% (up 128.8% since Nov 2022)
  • Renold +5%
  • Rexel +5%
  • Nordic Paper Holding -6% (after its 7.5% dividend payment)


Subscribers are still sitting on the following solid gains:

  • North America +15%
  • Europe +30%
  • Asia +21%
  • Crash portfolio (2022) +70% (Only 3 companies left 12 sold for an average gain of 26%)


If these ideas sound interesting, you can get more information here: Your Treasure Map to Europe, Asia, and North America's Hidden Gems!



Shareholder Yield Letter update

Since May 2023 when we started the 51 ideas have already paid an average dividend of 3.0% and are sitting on an average return of +13.1%.

Dividends keep rolling in and have already started to increase substantially as the yearly dividend paying companies start paying. This makes it a great portfolio if you are looking for income ideas.

As things stand today the portfolio has an average historical dividend yield of 4.8% and bought back 4.1% of their stock last year. This gives you an average Shareholder Yield of 8.9%!


If this sounds like the kind of company, you would like to BUY, you can find more information here: Invest big, win bigger with our market beating large-cap strategy!



What podcasts do you listen to?

I’m curious, what podcasts do you listen to? Email me back with your favourites…

Better yet, do you know anyone who might like me as a guest? I’d be happy to send you a "thank you" gift for a successful booking.

Just email me with your ideas and here's my podcast guest page.


Your analyst, helping you find your best investment strategy


PS To find great companies that exactly fits your investment strategy right now click here.

PPS It is so easy to forget, why not sign up now before you get distracted?