Get Higher Returns by Mastering Emotions

Discover how mastering your emotions can lead to better investment decisions. Learn practical tips to stay focused and manage market volatility.

This article is a website version of our weekly FREE Best Ideas Newsletter sent on 21.05.2024. Sign up here to get it in your inbox every Tuesday.


I am sure you know that investing is not just about numbers, it is also about understanding and handling your emotions.

But how can we do this?

Our latest article dives into the psychological aspects of investing and shows you how to keep your cool and make better investment decisions when the markets get shaky.


In "Master Your Emotions to Enhance Investment Gains," you'll get practical tips to manage fear and biases. This will help you stay focused on your long-term goals, reducing the impact of market movements on your decisions.

To get all the valuable tips, you can read the full article on our website.


As always let me know how you manage your emotions when markets make big moves – Just click the bottom right "Need help?" button to send me a quick note.



Quant Value newsletter update

As you can imagine performance last week was positive, with a few big movements I Japan, for example:

  • Kurabo Industries +15% on good results
  • Fast Fitness Japan Inc +13%
  • Nishimoto -21% after a +13% jump last week.


Subscribers are still sitting on the following solid gains:

  • North America +13% (Average is down after the +314% gain on Celestica sold this month)
  • Europe +29%
  • Asia +20%
  • Crash portfolio (2022) +71% (Only 3 companies left 12 sold for an average gain of 26%)


If these ideas sound interesting, you can get more information here: Your Treasure Map to Europe, Asia, and North America's Hidden Gems!

Want to have a look before you subscribe? Simply reply to this email with “Quant Value trial issue” in the email and we will send you a recent issue to review.



Shareholder Yield Letter update

Since May when we started the 51 ideas have already paid an average dividend of 2.9% and am sitting on an average return of +13.6%.

Dividends keep rolling in and have already started to increase substantially as the yearly dividend paying companies have started paying. This makes it a great portfolio if you are looking for income ideas.

As things stand today the portfolio has an average historical dividend yield of 4.7% and bought back 4.1% of their stock last year. This gives you an average Shareholder Yield of 8.8%!


If this sounds like the kind of company, you would like to invest in you can find more information here: Invest big, win bigger with our market beating large-cap strategy!

Want to have a look before you subscribe? Simply reply to this email with “Shareholder Yield trial issue” in the email and we will send you a recent issue to review.



What podcasts do you listen to?

I’m curious, what podcasts do you listen to? Email me back with your favourites…

Better yet, do you know anyone who might like me as a guest? I’d be happy to send you a "thank you" gift for any successful bookings you help me to land 😉

Just email me with your ideas and here is my podcast guest page.


Your, helping you manage investment emotions analyst