Quant Investing is excited to announce the expansion of its stock screener to include Hungarian companies traded on the Budapest Stock Exchange (BUX).
This is part of our ongoing commitment to giving investors like you the ability to screen the most comprehensive and diverse selection of stocks for your portfolio.
From 4iG to Zwack
From 4iG Nyrt. to Zwack Unicum Nyrt., Hungarian companies (Budapest Stock Exchange) of all sizes and sectors are now available for screening and analysis through the Quant Investing stock screener.
Adds to the over 22,000 companies
The inclusion of Hungarian companies further enriches the over 22,000 companies’ global scope of the Quant Investing platform. With this addition we aim to provide you with even more options to diversify your portfolio.
Companies from $5.1bn to $1.8m
The list of Hungarian companies now available on the Quant Investing stock screener ranges in size from industry giants like MOL Magyar Olaj (US$5,1bn) to promising up-and-comers like FuturAqua (US$ 1,8m).