We just finished adding an extra feature to the Quant Investing stock screener that makes it very easy for you to back test your own investment strategy.
This means you can go back in time and see exactly what companies fit your investment strategy and how they have performed.
22,000 Companies and 110 Ratios
You can use this back test function on the more than 22,000 companies using the more than 110 ratios and indicators.
Using point-in-time data
This is not using calculated back test values but actual values as they were in the past (point in time data) you thus have no look-ahead or survivorship bias in your back test.
Click here to see exactly how you can do it: How to back test your investment strategy
Step by step instructions
This article shows you step by step instructions on how to back test your investment strategy: How to back test your investment strategy - Real world example
PS Not a screener subscriber yet? You can sign up right here
PPS It is so easy to put things off and forget, why not sign up right now?
Click here to start back testing your investment strategy Now!