Wondering if the Magic Formula is right for your portfolio? See the proven results from this strategy in various markets and learn how to apply it yourself. With practical guidance and real case studies, you’ll understand how to use it for consistent returns.
Looking to enhance your portfolio? Discover how blending the Magic Formula with a momentum strategy can significantly increase your returns. We break down the process into easy-to-follow steps, perfect for any level of investor.
Unlock the full potential of the Magic Formula by adding additional ratios! Discover why Price Momentum and Price to Book can enhance returns, backed by European back-tested data. Get practical steps for using a stock screener to implement these improvements in your portfolio.
It’s tough to sell when you’re down, but sometimes it’s the smartest move. I didn’t act in time with SCS Upholstery and faced a 73% loss. Here’s why you should always have a stop-loss strategy in place.
Protect your gains and minimize losses with a trailing stop-loss. This tool automatically adjusts as your stock price rises, helping you lock in profits and limit risk. Learn how it works and why it’s a smart move for any investor serious about protecting their portfolio.
Want to avoid heavy losses during a market crash? Learn how a well-timed stop-loss strategy can save your portfolio and even help you lock in gains. Don’t wait until it’s too late to protect your investments – find out how this simple tool can give you peace of mind.
Discover why investment success is not only about strategy but having the discipline to follow through. Learn how to manage emotions like fear and greed, so you stick to your plan when the market gets volatile. Stay on course to maximize your returns!
Discover the 6 essential traits that separate successful investors from the rest. Learn why emotional skills, not just math, make all the difference in your investment journey.
Why do wild swings in your investment returns harm your wealth? Discover how low volatility investing helps you build wealth consistently, and why it’s smarter to aim for steady returns rather than chase big gains.
Which stock will perform the best in 2024? Join us as we explore high shareholder yield companies and discuss why no one can predict with certainty which company will shine this year.